Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Like, Totally

I have had a few requests. First, the bubble shirt is out there everywhere, so it was suggested I throw one on my doll. I don't know who looks good in these. I mean, even if you're skinny, you're hiding all that good skinniness. And if you have a post-pregnancy fat blop, then it would fit and hang right in the bubble. Wait- maybe I should get one!

Also requested: the bangs and plastic charm necklace are predictions of future return 80's fashions. And the jelly bracelets, which were here in the 80's, back on the alternative kids 5 years ago, and still here from the 80's rebirth. It looks like they are here to stay!

I had to get rid of the purse. I couldn't even stand looking at it on my doll!


Anonymous said...

Gag me with a spoon!

Laura said...

Thanks for making me snarf my hot tea this morning! Aaahhh.... Amelia will be wondering about the jelly shoes when she's 16, thinking "Why the hell would you wear this Mom?"